Friday, January 30, 2015

Photography in Advertising

Ad Analysis:

Target Audience: Ages 16 to 30 who use social media
USP: All the thumbs represent likes on a social media site
Theme: Sadness
Slogan: Be a volunteer. Change a life.
Text/Copy: Liking isn't helping

Target Audience: Ages 21 to 40 who drive under the influence
USP: The punch to the face is representing the impact of the crash
Theme: Fear
Slogan: Stop the Violence
Text/Copy: Don't drink and drive
Target Audience: Ages 18 and up who smoke
USP: The book just ended in the middle kind of relating to what could happen to a smokers life
Theme: Fear
Slogan: For help quitting, call QUITLINE on 0800 00 22 00
Text/Copy: If you smoke, statistically your life will end 15% before it should.
Target Audience: Ages 16 and up who speed
USP: It tells you how many days you could be effected for when you speed a specific speed
Theme: Fear
Slogan: Slower is Better
Text/Copy: 46mph; 46 days in hospital bed

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook:

Must be visually compelling
Don't burden with text
Make it native to the platform
Envoke the right emotions
Include logo
Good use of pop culture
Have a catchy text

2 Sketches:
