Wednesday, October 1, 2014


All Photos: ISO 400; f/22

I think that HDR pictures are awesome since they show the detail in everything and everything just pops.

I always photograph anything outdoors and I wouldn't say they tell a story, but they tell a lot about me and anything outdoors is what I like to photograph.

Where the sun is located really effects what the photo looks like, especially like the last black and white photo. The sun is located behind the trees and it gives it a glowing look behind the trees.

1 comment:

  1. Symmetrical balance:6th

    Repetition / pattern:4th

    Different point of view / perspective:1st

    Asymmetrical balance: 2nd

    Framing: 3rd

    Lines (leading, diagonal, horizontal, vertical): 5th

    Which photo has the best composition? Why? 3rd one has the best composition. The colors are bright and it draws in your attention.

    Which photo would you hang on your wall? Why? The last one because it pretty and simple.

    Which photo could use a little work? What needs done? I think the 5th ones needs work because its like the others. I like it though. She could of played with blurring out the back a little

    When looking at the entire set of images what do they say about the photographer? Can you determine anything about the person by looking at their photos? Do they tell a story or are they just a collection of images?
