Monday, May 25, 2015


I chose to do the colors of nature as my valedictory project. I love being outdoors and with all their is to take in, nature would be nothing without it's colors. Your eyes would not appeal to any of it if it were just plain or single colored, but everything is different and vibrant.
The sun sets every single day, but somehow, they are never the same.
The trees create a nice silhouette with the beautiful sky as the background. 
No matter the shape, the bright moon always stands out against the black sky.
Sky feat. Tree
The sky can act as a beautiful backdrop to any subject, especially trees.

Clouds are always different in size and shape, but always beautiful.
Tree feat. Sky
The blue sky is so vibrant and the tree just adds to the composition.

Yellow flowers stand out wonderfully against the green leaves and grass.
The sky produces so many beautiful colors and they compliment each other well.

 The bright orange sunset creates for great silhouette shots.  

Even the simplest blue sky creates for a great silhouette shots.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Surrealism Portraits

Since music is a big part of my life and it's a wonderful thing, I decided to use this "rave" looking picture on the inside from the color run. I really like how this turned out because it's like I'm dancing too.

I hate drama and just want peace, so I did a peace sign. Sunsets are peaceful, beautiful, and something I love taking pictures of.

I seem to get confused a lot, especially when driving, so i decided to do this pose and use this picture of the mountains in Colorado. I like how simple this looks when it's in black and white.

I'm not sure why, but I always do this pose so it does describe me perfectly. I used this picture of jellyfish because it looked super cool and I love the ocean, even though this was taken at the aquarium.

I did this pose because I'm a happy person, but I am a little shy. This is probably one of my least favorites, but I love this picture of the turtle, and I used to have a turtle of my own.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Rene Magritte:

1.  What is surrealism? 
   The juxtaposition of unrelated objects and placing them together. These objects seem both real and unreal.

2.  What motif did Magritte use in many of his works? Why was this significant?
   The man wearing the bowler hat. It's significant because many people believe the artist is referring to himself.

3.  In his work Golconda, why is it important that Magritte varied the image of the man in the bowler hat?  How does it add depth to the work?
   Without variation, the painting may be boring. The scaling makes the man in the bowler hat seem closer to the viewer.

4.  Why did surreal artists choose to create strange worlds with their art?
   They're trying to get people to make sense of strange juxtapositions, just like we do in our dreams.

5.  Explain how the techniques of juxtaposition, altered scale, and language help Magritte explore Surrealism. 

6.  What would be a few reasons why Magritte would cover the faces of his subjects?
   Many believe it's due to the tragic story of his mothers death, which he denies.

7.  Why did Magritte strive for realism & precision in his paintings?
   This allows the viewer to focus on the objects rather than the painting techniques.

8.  Google more of Magritte’s work and include 2 images that interest you.

o   Explain the technique(s) used to enhance the work
o   Hint – review the words in bold from the reading

Examples of Artists:


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Exquisite Corpse

This image was acquired by folding a paper into four different parts and passed around in a group to draw their own part. This relates to surrealism because we didn't know what the other person before us was drawing and we added on to it using our unconscious mind.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

MoMA &Dada

World War I and Dada:

Dada is an abstract form of art, created by artist who were aiming to create different works of art to express their feelings towards the war and life around them.

Marcel Duchamp and the Readymade:

Readymades were manufactured goods, the point was to challenge the thought that artwork was only beautiful if created nicely by an artist instead of just taking a picture of something already pre made. Art can be anything and everything around us, depending on the eye of the person looking at it.

Chance Creations: Collage, Photomontage, and Assemblage:

Data artists embraced modernity. Their work typically had references to technology, newspapers, films, and advertisements. It was an opportunity of true perception and criticism for the times they were living in.

Artist Collaboration:

They recreated what art could be by adding chance-based procedures to their work with scissors and glue.

Word Play:

They would cut apart words and glued them together randomly to create a different look in art.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Questions About Art

1.     What is a work of art?  Describe qualities found in artworks.
A work of art is something that people create, in any shape or form. You can find things such as emotion, ideas, color, and appeal in artwork.

2.     What should an artwork provide to both the maker and the viewer?
Artwork should provide a sense of emotion and appeal to both the maker and viewer.

3.     Why do people make art?
People create art to express themselves, and also to have people relate to their art and how they feel.

4.     Where does one encounter art?
One encounters art everywhere.

5.     What is the role of the artist?

The role of artists is to express themselves through any type of art.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Social Issue PSA

As my social issue, I chose to do animal neglect. Animal neglect is cruel and inhumane, no animal should have to go through that. I believe that if you have a pet, you should take responsibility and take care of it. As a result from this advertisement, I hope that people will realize that animal neglect is wrong and maybe even want to get involved and help prevent it. My target audience is animal lovers, teenagers and older. The unique selling proposition is how it looks like the bunny is crying and it unifies the photo with my social issue. The statistic makes people want to change something because 30 million is a lot. My slogan/tagline is "Neglect Has a Long Term Effect." I think that the poster turned out really well, I like the original photograph. I think that the billboard could be a little better by maybe cropping it a little more and have less negative space on the side. The most challenging part of this assignment was probably making them have a negative feel, but I believe that I did well with editing and making the photos unified. Something positive that I've got out of making this ad was learning what looks right and how to make a poster/billboard look appealing to the eye.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Photography in Advertising

Ad Analysis:

Target Audience: Ages 16 to 30 who use social media
USP: All the thumbs represent likes on a social media site
Theme: Sadness
Slogan: Be a volunteer. Change a life.
Text/Copy: Liking isn't helping

Target Audience: Ages 21 to 40 who drive under the influence
USP: The punch to the face is representing the impact of the crash
Theme: Fear
Slogan: Stop the Violence
Text/Copy: Don't drink and drive
Target Audience: Ages 18 and up who smoke
USP: The book just ended in the middle kind of relating to what could happen to a smokers life
Theme: Fear
Slogan: For help quitting, call QUITLINE on 0800 00 22 00
Text/Copy: If you smoke, statistically your life will end 15% before it should.
Target Audience: Ages 16 and up who speed
USP: It tells you how many days you could be effected for when you speed a specific speed
Theme: Fear
Slogan: Slower is Better
Text/Copy: 46mph; 46 days in hospital bed

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook:

Must be visually compelling
Don't burden with text
Make it native to the platform
Envoke the right emotions
Include logo
Good use of pop culture
Have a catchy text

2 Sketches:
